I Love You Gift Ideas

I Love You Gift Ideas
Gifts for those you love

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Saying "I love you" in Creative Ways

Saying I love you shouldn’t be dull and unexciting. Love in itself is amazing and delightful and because of this, we always think of ways on how we can make our partner feel happy and special. Showing love with passion and consistency is essential to a good relationship. Lasting intimacy is a result of celebrating love everyday.

Of course you are interested in learning more innovative ways on how to show their special someone just how loved he or she is! We’ve come up with great tips on how you can be creative in saying I love you. Try something different for a change:

1. Cook a batch of homemade brownies or cookies and bring it to his office as a surprise.

2. Come up with a list of special memories you and your partner shared, then invite him or her to add to the list. You may want to also list down some special ideas that both of you can do in the future.

3. Burn a CD that has all the songs that hold special meaning to you and your partner, then slip it into her car’s CD player.

4. You can also surprise your loved one with some bath salts and a stash of her favorite magazines. Women will go crazy over a home spa treat.

5. Put a simple love note inside his shoe.

6. Place one rose on her windshield. Now that’s romantic!

7. Take a leisurely walk together.

8. You may even want to go as far as recreating your first date.

9. At dinnertime, light some candles for a romantic ambience.

10. Serve your partner breakfast in bed or you can simply cook her favorite breakfast.

11. Rub her feet. It can also pave way for you to have meaningful conversations with your partner.

12. Spend a couple of minutes together in bed every morning.

13. Tell your partner that he or she looks amazing.

14. If your partner had a rough day at work, bring home a bottle of wine with his or her favorite take out.

15. Look for creative places to write I love you – in the steam on the bathroom mirror or in whipped cream on a cupcake.

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